What a stupid notion.
I can't remember what happened but the other day as I was completing a survey for 'LemonTreeOpinion' on behalf of Sears Canada the penny dropped. It was an 'AHA' moment.
I have signed up to various surveys in the past, Boston Pizza, Sears Canada, Canadian Tire and Ipsos Surveys who actually reward you in vouchers.
I chose to do these as I really thought they wanted my opinion. How wrong could I be?
I don't think I'm the only one who now realises that all they are doing is advertising their company, products and services. Perhaps you realised a long time ago and forgot to tell me?
They are very clever at bringing you onboard. They lure you in with a promise of entering your name in a free draw once a month for a chance to win some useless product they can't shift or a gift token that no-one ever wins - have you ever checked the past winners' names to see if they're real people?
My nature is to complain over poor service and praise for good. That's what I expected to be able to do in these surveys - not so.
Sears Canada is a struggling department store, with redundancies and stores closing nationwide, so they need to do something to try to survive. Their 'survey' asks questions about where I like to shop and how often. Fair enough. Then it launches in to the 'rank the following in to the most important to least important'. This is where the stupidity starts. Forgive my memory if it's a bit sketchy but their 'ranking' questions go something like this,
How important is it for you to....
- Be greeted by a friendly face (of a person about to lose their job)
- Buy high quality, long lasting, fashionable clothing (for a ridiculously high price)
- Have the option of home delivery (instead of you lugging the large appliance home on the roof of your Fiat 500)
- Be able to locate a convenient store in your home town (possibly empty now with cut backs)
The same applies to Boston Pizza. I like to tell them on surveys that I do not use their Sports Bar, their chicken wing special nights whilst watching the game, nor do I go there to eat in a party of more than 3 (my husband, daughter and I). No, I have no desire to try their latest invention of a pizza burger, or a burger pizza, a poutine-flavoured ice cream or spicy hot, flame grilled chicken feet (poetic licence).
In fact I've become so cynical now that I've unsubscribed from all their stupid surveys. To me a survey is the ability to tell them what's good and what's bad with their product/service. Not to listen to their back door advertising.
So goodbye Canadian Tire with your 4 season, lifetime warranty, buy 1 get 3 free, slip resistant tyres.
Goodbye Sears with your outdated stores, visible lack of assistants to assist and overpriced goods. Goodbye Boston Pizza who think they're being innovative with their menu when in fact a chef tripping on acid could come up with more delicious delicacies.
I'm through with your surveys! Unless of course you can tempt me back with a money off coupon, a free desert or some CT money........?