We live in the country and on weekends we like to get outside and get jobs done in the yard eg. chopping up fallen trees for firewood, having huge bonfires, weed-whacking (aka strimming), weeding the veggie patch etc.
Now no-one will wear their best attire doing the above-mentioned tasks. So we wear what we affectionately call 'scruffs'. In fact, most weekends we wear 'scruffs'. There's something about those comfortable clothes you've owned for years and years that fit just right regardless of what they look like.
My husband had a pair of 'scruff' jeans that had a rather indecent split under the crotch. He didn't care and would march outside defiantly in them grab the chainsaw and cut wood! Eventually, it got to the point where my daughter and I had to gang up on him and threaten to have him arrested for indecent exposure in a public place when weed-whacking our front ditch. He finally gave in and reluctantly threw them out, it was as though he'd lost his best friend.
I am the same and have the most comfortable pair of jeans. They too have rips and splits in them but I find they only cause a problem in the summer when the mosquitoes find a new patch of exposed flesh to bite on that I forgot to spray! The previous scruff jeans became cut-offs after they began to split.
I have a couple of t-shirts and a sweatshirt that look great from the back, but turn them round and they look like Van Gogh used them to wipe his brushes on.
My daughter has leggings with split knees - scruffs. Outgrown t-shirts - scruffs. Unfashionable clothing she wouldn't be seen dead in - scruffs.
The thing about 'scruffs' is that you really get your money's worth out of them. They are the clothing that keeps on giving until the seams give way or the material wears out.
Which brings me on to my dilemma. We are soon moving house. We hope to live in a town, in a place with no fallen trees, fires, ditches or a veggie patch.
The new house may need some painting, but that's about all. Am I going to bite the bullet and dispose of our 'scruffs' before we move, leaving us with just one moving outfit each? Or shall I pack everything regardless of its state and take it with us?
Do I really want to fill our new walk in closets with our faithful 'scruffs'? Are we suddenly going to become civilised overnight once we move to a suburban cul-de-sac?
If we keep our 'scruffs' and parade around our new abode, front and back yards or wash the cars on the drive in them, what will the neighbours think?
I'm leaning toward saying a fond farewell to them, perhaps a ceremonial burning one weekend. They are way past the charity shop stage so are no good to anyone.
The question is, what do we wear while burning them........?
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