Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Poor birds

Yesterday the sun shone brightly and I had been confined indoors on the phone and computer most of the day. Just before the school bus was due, I decided to go for a wander around our yard. The fall colours were beautiful and the only noise was that from the chickadees chattering away and the squirrels squabbling with each other.

As I climbed to the summit of the rock, I saw a bear scat, that totals 5 now. I've always heard that they would be more frightened of me than I of them, unless it's a mother with cubs. I nervously carried on my short journey snapping away with my camera thinking that my last ever shot could be that of a charging bear!

I was so glad to see my daughter off the bus as I had a little job for her. Numerous birds fly in to our windows and most of them fly off again with a bit of a headache. There are a few that sadly don't make it. She reluctantly scooped up a little dead finch with a shovel and deposited it away from the path after cringing and telling me its eyes were still open. Years ago, a sparrowhawk lay dead outside our lounge window that I was due to paint that day. Unable to deal with dead animals, I couldn't move it so I threw a large cardboard box over it until my husband could come home and give it a decent burial.
We did have a mourning dove fly in to the lounge two years ago and thankfully my mother was staying with us at the time and did the honours. She asked for my rubber gloves to pick it up with, 'What? You're not having them, they're brand new!' I replied and promptly handed her 2 carrier bags to use instead. Looking like something out of a lunatic asylum, my mother scooped up the poor bird with her bagged hands and respectfully buried it in a trench. The saddest part of all is that its mate still sits alone on our hydro pole after all this time. That mourning dove is aptly named. The funny side is that I did snap a couple of photos of my mother with said bags on hands, but if I ever put them on-line, she would never talk to me again!

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