Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Good Ol' Canada Post!

My daughter is very lucky and has gifts sent to her from friends and family on birthdays and Christmas.
She always writes her thank you letters eventually - perhaps not as quickly as I'd like her to, but this year I had a secret weapon.
Every 1st January, Canada Post increases their postal rates, at least they always have since we came here. This year for some reason I ended up with too many international stamps at $2.50 each and knowing the price increase was imminent, I asked my daughter to write all her letters before the deadline of 1st January.

Image result for canada post

She dutifully wrote them all and kindly let me address the envelopes, stick on the stamps, air mail stickers and return address labels.
Yesterday we proudly walked in to the post office with our batch of 2015 priced letters only to be told that there was to be a price freeze in 2016 and it was to remain the same! My daughter's face was a picture as I meekly apologised! How was I to know?
Anyway, she now has the rest of her holiday to enjoy herself as she continues to unpack a million boxes of keepsakes and junk and no long has to worry about her thank you letters! I bet next year she'll check on-line first before she puts pen to paper on Boxing Day....

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