Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

I was sauntering around Walmart yesterday, taking my time to browse whilst the majority of shoppers around me looked more like a National Emergency was about to occur. They were dragging groceries from shelves like things possessed and I felt a bit left out of the frenzy.
I walked down the 'chip' aisle, that's crisps to my UK readers, of course chips are French fries and crisp here is crumble. Got it? Anyway an assistant was laughing that she'd never seen the chip aisle looking so empty and commented that the locals would be celebrating New Year's Eve with 'chips and alcohol' - nothing wrong with that!

Image result for new years eve

As I wandered round I heard an announcement and my heart sank. It was asking for all trained cashiers to report to Customer Services. That's always a bad sign - I had visions of queues 10 deep at each check out. A few minutes later, another voice boomed over the loudspeaker that anyone with less than 15 items could pay for them at Customer Services - another bad sign. I felt even worse when they repeated both over the next 10 minutes.
By the time I meandered to the checkout, it wasn't so bad but I wondered why everyone was buying so much when the store is open the following day. Beats me.
Anyway, today, New Year's Day, we cleared the garage. It was a mammoth task moving all the boxes of clutter out of there to another location. I do admit to having a small pile of 'stuff' in the middle of the basement floor that I promise solemnly to sort this year and get rid of the majority of it.
Tonight our cars are languishing in a cosy garage, something mine has never known since we bought it. I can almost hear them snoring.....

Well Happy New Year to everyone and may all your dreams for 2016 come true.

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