Saturday, 7 November 2015

Don't Forget to Text Me!

Well with one week left to go before the big move, we are starting to say farewell to friends and acquaintances for the last time.
Yesterday after school, my daughter had her leaving party for 14 friends. It was great. They 'Glo-bowled' for an hour, ate pizza to loud music, took selfies by the dozen, did a group rendition of the cup song, laughed, danced and had a blast. They gave cards, cash and vouchers and her 'bestie' framed a collage of photos for her - it was beautiful.
Are we being really cruel, snatching her away from all these great kids she's known for half her life? Are we expecting too much when we drive her halfway across Canada and dump her in to a new school where she knows no-one? She's just as excited as us but understandably nervous too.
That's where her maturity and outlook on life will serve her well. She's mature for her age and I know she will flourish anywhere, it might just take time.
Today we pack some more, sort and plan. Tonight our next door neighbours come for a roast beef supper with all the trimmings. They have been so kind to us, we'll really miss them. We have ample beer and wine to keep them quenched as we talk about the past 6 years and reminisce.

I'm not a great one for keeping in touch, especially with some people. Having moved around a lot, I find it pointless to keep in touch with those I never plan on seeing again e.g. old school friends, neighbours whose names I hardly knew, some random person I met in a supermarket who's a friend of a friend. So when I bid my farewells this week and people ask if I'm on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, I'll just tell them I'm not, but I'll let them know my new number, (or perhaps not) and smile sweetly as they shout, 'Don't forget to text me!'

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