Thursday, 5 November 2015


Well, following on from the Santander fiasco, I mailed their form back to them yesterday advising them of my new address - sorted!
Or rather not sorted... today I received an e-mail from their Customer (dis)Service Department verifying that if I wanted to change my address abroad, then I had to complete their form - I chuckled to myself thinking I was way ahead of them - then return it in the mail to the address shown below - check, yep I did all that ha ha! Then to my horror, I read further and they also requested a copy of my passport - what?! Why had the inept Glaswegian at their Call Centre - in Scotland - not mentioned this to me? Or perhaps she had but I couldn't understand her?... No I am sure I would have heard it.
Today was put aside for packing, but now I have to print off their stupid form AGAIN, fill it out AGAIN, address an envelope AGAIN, pay another $2.50 and mail it off with another 9 mile round trip. Oh and don't forget the copy of the passport!
I feel a headache and another complaint coming on.....Let us put things right

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