Well long time, no hear! So sorry but we have finally moved Provinces and I will talk about that in more detail later this week.
Anyway, one of the priorities when moving Provinces is to obtain a new number for your cell (mobile) phone.
In Canada, the 'phone numbers are symbolic of the area in which you live, pretty similar to UK. The difference here is that we have long distance charges too and if you have a number from a different Province, then every time someone rings you, they are charged the long distance rate which can be quite expensive. Also, everyone assumes your number starts with *** and if it doesn't it involves a lot of crossing out when completing forms etc.
Anyway, today I thought I'd pluck up the courage and summon the energy to ring the Call Centre for my cell phone - Rogers....
After the first 10 minutes, I regretted my decision. I wondered if the Roger's Call Centre was affiliated in any way with the Santander Call Centre - in Asia....
The woman was very sweet but clearly didn't understand exactly what I wanted. She had trouble with my accent and I with hers.
Fortuitously, after 10 minutes of not getting very far, they had a power cut and our call was terminated. I thought she'd ring back so I waited and waited. Finally I gave up and called again.
I make this sound a simple task when in actual fact, it involved pressing a variety of numbers to the voice commands to be told there was a 30 minute wait to speak to a 'Live Person' is that opposed to a dead one? Anyway I had to give my number, again and my name and press '1' if I wanted them to call me back....
When I was called back, this time it was from a man at the Call Centre - in Asia. He appeared to be more competent and I went through the story, again and he grasped it. Or did he? It was like a time bomb ticking when he told me my new number and said he was going to disconnect my old one.... you guessed it, just as I was about to remind him that I was talking on that number he was going to pull the plug on, the line went dead - again.
Undeterred, I rang a third time, slightly less polite and slightly more impatient. I was thrilled to hear the sound of the woman on the line - from Ontario.
Straight away she grasped my problem, confirmed the new number in case we were cut off and within 30 more minutes I finally had achieved what I set out to do - hurray!
Sadly, they were out of stock with my daughter's choice of phone, so we need to go to the local store tomorrow. I'm quietly confident that the visit will just take a few minutes, my husband is not convinced and seems to think he should have booked the day off! We'll see...
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